Brunnera ‘Silver Heart’
* Common name: False forget-me-not ‘Silver Heart’

‘Silver Heart’ blooming in April.
* Botanical name: Brunnera macrophylla ‘Silver Heart’
* What it is: A perennial flower whose main attraction is the large, heart-shaped leaves of silvery-white with green veins. Spring flowers are medium blue on the ends of protruding stems – similar forget-me-nots, which is where the plant name comes from.
* Size: Foliage is 12 inches tall with another 8-10 inches for the flowers. Plant 2 to 2½ feet apart.
* Where to use: Prefers shade to part shade (out of hot afternoon sun), so along north and eastern foundations are ideal. These also make a showy edging along a shady walk or mixed into the front of a perennial shade garden or woodland garden.
* Care: Snip off flower stalks when flowers fade. Water in dry spells to keep leaf edges from browning. Cut foliage to a stub at end of winter. Scatter balanced organic fertilizer around plant base in spring.

Closeup of ‘Silver Heart’s’ growing-season foliage.
* Great partner: Bigleaf hydrangeas take similar growing conditions and make a perfect backdrop, especially blue-blooming ones. Fothergilla is another good flowering-shrub partner that overlaps ‘Silver Heart’ bloom time. White or dark-blue hyacinths are spring bulbs that bloom at the same time.