Euphorbia Helena’s Blush’
* Common name: Wood spurge Helena’s Blush(R)
* Botanical name: Euphorbia amygdaloides ‘Inneuphhel’
* What it is: A semi-evergreen perennial that looks like a mini-shrub. Leaves are elongated and nearly the size of return address labels. New growth and fall foliage is red, summer foliage is a variegated cream and green (with a little pink at some points of the season), and spring bracts are hanging clusters of chartreuse. It’s always doing something interesting.
* Size: Nearly 2 feet tall and wide
* Where to use: Sunny or part-shade foundations, lining walks and spotted throughout flower gardens and border beds.
* Care: Cut back by one-third to one-half at end of winter. Remove any dead stems at this time, too. Seldom bothered with bugs, disease or animals. Once established, it’s very drought tolerant. An annual spring scattering of Plant-tone or similar balanced organic fertilizer is usually plenty.
* Great partner: The upright habit and frilly foliage of amsonia contrasts nicely. Also pairs well with golden threadleaf coreopsis.