Centaurea ‘Amethyst in Snow’
Common name: Mountain bluet ‘Amethyst in Snow’
* Botanical name: Centaurea montana ‘Amethyst in Snow’
* What it is: A perennial flower with soft, mildly-fuzzy gray/green leaves that pushes up Dr. Seuss-like spikes of blue-purple flower cones with white fluted petals protruding from around each cone. Main bloom is late May through June but reblooms somewhat if cut back in early summer.
* Size: Foliage 12 inches tall… with flowers, 18 inches. Space 2 feet apart.
* Where to use: Perennial borders, cut-flower gardens, children’s gardens. Full sun/light shade.
* Care: Keep damp the first season, then water usually not needed. Scatter balanced organic granular fertilizer such as Flower-tone or Plant-tone over the bed in early spring. Snip off flower stems after bloom and also any foliage that’s become ratty. Prune off any winter-killed stems at end of winter. Divide in September if spreading beyond where you want.
* Great partner: Salvia ‘May Night’ or ‘Marcus’ or at the base of purple clematis vine.