Magnolia Little Girls
Common name: Magnolia Little Girls series
* Botanical name: Magnolia hybrids
* What they are: A line of eight dwarf, April-blooming magnolia trees bred at the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington. Showy big-petaled flowers open before trees leaf out. All have female names and flower colors ranging from pink through purplish-red. The three best: ‘Ann’ (plum-colored blooms), ‘Jane’ (lavender-pink) and ‘Betty’ (reddish-purple). Leaves drop in fall but fuzzy flower buds remain over winter.
* Size: 12-15 feet tall and wide in about 10 years.
* Where to use: Excellent front-yard specimens, especially in small yards. Small enough to soften house corners if kept 8-10 feet away. Also nice out kitchen windows and next to patios. Full sun to light shade.
* Care: Scatter acidifying organic granular fertilizer such as Holly-tone around base in March. Keep damp the first season, then they’re fairly drought-tolerant. Right after bloom, prune out any crossing or excess branches and make any needed shaping or size-control cuts. Lower limbs can be removed as desired as the trees grow.
* Great partner: Blue or purple hyacinths overlap bloom time for a stunning spring show. Ring with petunias or verbena in summer.