Japanese tree lilac
* Common name: Japanese tree lilac
* Botanical name: Syringa reticulata
* What it is: A fairly narrow, trouble-free, drought-tough small tree that gets white flower cones in June. Larger than old-fashioned multi-stemmed lilacs and grown as a single-trunk plant. ‘Ivory Silk’ and ‘Summer Snowflake’ are two good varieties.
* Size: 20 to 25 feet tall, 15 to 18 feet wide
* Where to use: Excellent street tree or anywhere in a hot, sunny, open area. Tolerant of clay soil, too. Avoid wet areas.
* Care: Keep soil damp but not soggy for first year or two until established. Then no watering or fertilizing are likely needed. Remove any suckers from around the base at any time. Thin out and shorten branches, if needed, right after bloom. Remove lowest limbs as tree grows.
* Great partner: Ring with birds nest spruce (evergreen) or with compact ‘Neon Flash’ or ‘Anthony Waterer’ spirea (flowering shrub).