Flowering cherry ‘Okame’
* Common name: Flowering cherry ‘Okame’

Okame cherry tree in bloom
* Botanical name: Prunus x incam ‘Okame’
* What it is: One of the earliest cherry trees to flower, this one is covered with medium-pink blooms in early April just as the leaves are starting to emerge. Grows slightly taller than wide at a fairly fast rate. Develops nice coral-colored fall foliage and produces varying amounts of small late-spring fruits.
* Size: 20 feet tall, 18 to 20 feet wide.
* Where to use: Best as a stand-alone specimen in full sun but also beautiful used in a line along a driveway or long stretch of sidewalk. Keep them 12 to 15 feet away from walks and patios to head off fruit-drop issues.
* Care: Prune off crossing or excess branches over winter. Heavier pruning should be done right after flowers fade. Remove lowest branches as the tree grows. Once established, no watering or spraying should be needed. An annual spring scattering of an organic granular fertilizer formulated for trees is optional.
* Great partner: Blue, white and/or purple hyacinths or Siberian squill are good spring-bulb choices that overlap ‘Okame’ bloom. Sweet woodruff or ‘White Nancy’ lamium are good groundcover partners. Deutzia ‘Nikko’ or ‘Yuki Snowflake’ is a good shrub for underneath.