Autumn flowering cherry
* Common name: Autumn flowering cherry
* Botanical name: Prunus subhirtella ‘Jugatsu-zakura’ (a.k.a. ‘Autumnalis’)
* What it is: A flowering cherry tree that blooms in early fall instead of spring. The glossy green leaves and horizontal growth habit (wider than tall) are typical of most cherries, but this one gets rosy-pink buds in late summer that open into light-pink flowers that fade to white in early fall. Gets small black fruits that birds like.
* Size: 20 feet tall, 30 feet wide.
* Where to use: Best as a stand-alone specimen in full sun. Autumn cherry also can be used to line or flank a long driveway or stretch of sidewalk. Just keep them 12 to 15 feet away so branches don’t overhang and fruit doesn’t drop on the paving.
* Care: Prune off crossing or excess branches over winter. Remove lowest branches as the tree grows. Once established, no watering or spraying should be needed. An annual spring scattering of an organic granular fertilizer formulated for trees is optional.
* Great partner: Leadwort is a good groundcover to plant underneath since its blue flowers and red fall foliage peak while autumn cherry is blooming. Poke hyacinth bulbs into the leadwort groundcover for spring interest.