Tulip ‘Barcelona’
* Common name: Tulip ‘Barcelona’
* Botanical name: Tulipa ‘Barcelona’
* What it is: A late-April-flowering spring bulb with classic tulip flowers of hot fuchsia. Expect two to three good years of bloom before they go downhill.
* Size: 18 to 20 inches tall. Space 8 to 10 inches apart.
* Where to use: Any reasonably sunny, well drained and high-profile spot. Great for lining front foundations or sidewalks, for massing in island beds or for grouping among evergreens such as boxwoods and yews.
* Care: Plant 6 to 8 inches deep now or anytime from late September through mid-November. Water lightly and mulch. If rodents are a threat, spray bulbs with Hot Pepper Wax, Ropel or a similar repellent before planting and spray flower buds in spring. Or place chicken wire over the bed before mulching. Snip flower stalks off in late spring after blooms have faded, but don’t cut foliage to ground until it at least yellows. (Brown is better.)
* Great partner: Poke bulbs in a bed of sweet woodruff or white creeping phlox, interplant with foamflowers or plant circles of ‘Barcelona’ between boxwoods. Or just mass them with white Triumph tulips such as ‘Hibernia,’ ‘Calgary’ or ‘Francois.’