Top 10 Annual Flowers
This list could change every season (or maybe every day) since there are SO many great annuals out there these days. But for now, here’s 10 I’m liking a lot…

Euphorbia ‘Diamond Frost’
1.) Euphorbia Diamond Frost, ‘Stardust White Sparkle’ or ‘Stardust Super Flash.’ These grow into 15- to 20-inch balls that are covered with dainty, white, babys-breath-like flowers. They look like big summer snowballs. Great solo in a pot or in beds. And they’re drought-tough and seldom bothered by animals, too. Sun or part shade.
2.) Ornamental pepper ‘Purple Flash.’ The leaves are a beautiful changing blend of cream, green and several shades of purple. The flowers are lavender, and the rounded fruits are glossy black. 18 inches tall. ‘Black Pearl’ is excellent, too, except the leaves are nearly black instead of lavender shades. Full sun.
3.) Persian shield (Strobilanthes). A great tropical-looking foliage plant that I grow every year — either in pots or the ground. The color reads metallic silver with a purple sheen. Definitely a head-turner and easy to grow. 2 feet tall, 3-foot spread. Part shade to shade.

Persian shield
4.) Begonia ‘Dragon Wing Pink.’ All kinds of action here –glossy green leaves, pinkish/burgundy stems and leaf undersides, hanging pink flowers. Very drought-tough and a vigorous grower, too. 15 inches tall, 2-foot spread. ‘Dragon Wing Red’ is just as good if you like red better than pink. Sun or a fair amount of shade.
5.) Angelonia Serena White and Serena Purple. Angelonias look a bit like orchids, but they’re very tough and trouble-free. The Serena series is the most compact and very heavy-blooming. They look great with shrub roses. A foot tall and wide. The Serenita series and really just about every angelonia I’ve grown are just as good. Full sun to light shade.
6.) Petunia Supertunia Bubble Gum. This is probably my single favorite annual. So many of the new petunias are superb, and the whole Supertunia series is at the top of the pile. But this particular one is a vibrant pink, a super-heavy bloomer and a solid, reliable performer. 10-12 inches tall, 18-inch spread. Full sun to part shade.
7.) Zinnia Profusion and Zahara series. Both of these are compact zinnias that don’t get mildew or flop over like bigger, older zinnias. Profusions and Zaharas come in a variety of colors, and every one I’ve grown bloom heavily and brightly. 18 inches tall by 15-inch spread. Full sun.
8.) Begonia ‘Gryphon.’ Here’s one for the shade, especially in a shady pot. The leaves are the attraction here — a metallic silvery/black in color and very eye-grabbing. Grows nearly 2 feet tall and wide. Part to full shade.
9.) Alternanthera Little Ruby. This is another foliage annual and one that has pinky-nail-sized leaves of dark burgundy and a low, trailing habit. These pair well with any bright-colored annual, whether in a pot or edging the front of an annual grouping. 10 inches tall. Sun or part shade.
10.) Coleus ‘Fishnet Stockings.’ It’s hard to pick out just one favorite from all the great coleus out there these days, but I like this one with the netted gold and burgundy leaves about as well as any. 15 to 18 inches tall and wide. Part to full shade.