10 Murphy’s Laws That Apply to Gardening
1.) It never rains when there’s a drought, even if the weather forecasters give it a 100-percent chance.

It never rains when you actually need it.
2.) When the soil’s soggy and you can’t get your beans planted, that’s when it’ll rain 2 inches – even if there was no mention of it in the forecast.
3.) The biggest washout rains won’t happen, however, until the day after you plant new grass seed on a bare bank.
4.) The season’s second biggest rain will occur five minutes after your pile of mulch is delivered.
5.) Birds will find every last blueberry on your bushes the day before you were ready to pick them.
6.) Heavy winds will blow the leaves off your burning bush the day after they finally turn red in fall.
7.) The garden center will have every last perennial-flower variety known to man – except the one you’re looking for.

Keep one of these handy for when your mower runs out of gas.
8.) Your lawn mower will run out of gas just as you head down the last pass. Don’t bother going for the gas can. It’ll be empty.
9.) Everybody else in the neighborhood is growing petunias, but the rabbits seem to like yours best.
10.) Those blunt-bladed, half-broken $10 pruners never get misplaced. It’s always the $50 Felco ones that get lost somewhere in the bushes.