Broccoli Green Magic
* Common name: Broccoli Green Magic

Broccoli Green Magic is a uniform and reliable variety that’s ideal for home gardens.
* Botanical name: Brassica oleracea Green Magic
* What it is: A hybrid broccoli that produces uniform, six- to eight-inch, bluish-green heads with a somewhat buttery flavor. Green Magic is also mildew-resistant and exceptionally heat-tolerant, meaning it’s slower than most to bolt to flower if you plant too late in spring or if summer weather arrives too soon. And it’s a good producer of side shoots after the main head is cut.
* Size: Grows about two feet tall. Space plants 15 to 18 inches apart.
* Where to use: The vegetable garden or in mid-sized pots.
* Care: Broccoli grows best from young plants transplanted into the garden from late March through April and again in early to mid-August for a fall harvest. Seeds can be started inside early February through early March to produce your own plants.
As with broccoli in general, Green Magic grows best in loose, compost-enriched, well drained soil with regular moisture. Scatter a handful of balanced, granular, organic fertilizer around each plant at planting and again when heads begin to form. (Or use compost.) Harvest when heads stop expanding but before the buds show any signs of opening into yellow flowers – about 57 days after planting plants.
The main challenge is protecting leaves and heads from cabbageworms, which are slender green caterpillars that can decimate plants and lodge within the florets. The best solution is to keep plants covered with floating row covers, which prevents the white adult moths from laying eggs. Or spray every seven to 10 days with Bt, an organic caterpillar-killer.
* Great partner: Interplant with onions or leeks. Or plant Green Magic in blocks with cabbage and other cabbage-family plants (cauliflower, kohlrabi, kale, etc.) that also might need to be covered with row covers to guard against cabbageworms.