Tomato ‘Tomatoberry’
* Common name: Tomato ‘Tomatoberry’
* Botanical name: Solanum lycopersicum ‘Tomatoberry’
* What it is: A grape-type tomato with gobs of small, red, sweet fruits shaped like little 1-inch strawberries. Skins are thick to prevent cracking and aid keeping ability.
* Size: Stake 6 to 8 feet tall, 2 feet apart.
* Where to use: Vegetable garden. Or tuck a few on trellises in any sunny spot. Can be grown in a big deck pot, too.
* Care: Plant mid-May after working compost into the soil. Fertilize every few weeks with balanced fertilizer (switching to high-potassium fertilizer once fruits set), worm castings, fish emulsion and/or any fertilizer formulated for tomatoes. Side shoots can be snipped off to control size, if you want. Yank when frost kills the plants in fall.
* Great partner: Beets or lettuce can be planted at their feet. Or just mulch with straw.