Feather reed grass ‘Karl Foerster’
* Common name: Feather reed grass ‘Karl Foerster’
* Botanical name: Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’
* What it is: A winter-hardy ornamental grass that has one of the narrowest, non-floppy habits and is one of the earliest to develop its seed heads, which are tan plumes that appear in June. Turns yellow in fall.
* Size: 3 feet tall (4 to 5 feet, counting the plumes). Space 3 feet apart.
* Where to use: Great for edging patios, lining driveways, hiding heat pumps and utility boxes or along any sunny border. Also adds height and texture to perennial gardens. Does fine in part shade as well as full sun.
* Care: Scatter organic granular fertilizer such as Plant-tone or Turf-tone around base in March. Let foliage stand through winter and cut it to a stub at winter’s end. Clump can be dug and divided into softball-sized pieces if it spreads beyond where you want or if center begins to die out.
* Great partner: Mums, black-eyed susans, gaillardia and/or golden threadleaf coreopsis.