Lanternflies and Learning from Your Sofa
May 12th, 2020
Be on the lookout for some new little bugs crawling around that you might never have seen before.
The spotted lanternfly – that voracious new bug from Asia that was discovered in Berks County in 2014 – has officially spread into Cumberland, York, and Perry counties in addition to Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon. It’s now pretty much in all of southcentral and southeastern Pennsylvania.
The state Department of Agriculture has extended the lanternfly quarantine to 26 Pennsylvania counties, including as far west as Beaver and Allegheny counties.
Most of this year’s spotted lanternflies will be hatched and out crawling this month, looking for tender young plant growth on which to feed.
The bug’s early stages don’t look anything like the inch-long adults with the distinctive set of orange-red spotted wings that can be seen when the wings are fully open. (The wings are gray with black spots when closed.)
In the first three stages of a lanternfly’s life, the bug is about the size of a crawling tick and is black with white and sometimes hard-to-see spots. That’s what to look for now.
By June, the lanternfly “toddlers” are slightly larger and turn a more noticeable red with white spots. They then morph into flying adults in July before dying in fall after the females lay eggs for the next year.
See Penn State Extension’s web page on identifying spotted lanternflies
One thing you can do to help Penn State University and the state Ag Department track (and hopefully contain) the spread of lanternflies is to “band” a tree or two. This involves wrapping three-inch-wide bands of sticky flypaper (available at hardware and farm-supply stores or online) around trees about four feet from the ground.
The flypaper captures the young lanternflies as they attempt to climb upwards in search of a leafy snack. (Penn State has a video on tree banding on its lanternfly web pages.)
To keep birds, butterflies, and beneficial flying insects from getting caught, add a wrap of chicken wire or screening a few inches out from the bands – ideally covered with cheesecloth or garden fabric.