Better in the Garden than in Pots
April 22nd, 2014
Here’s a look at 10 plants that turn out to be better performers in the garden later than look to be at plant-buying time in a pot.
Here’s a look at 10 plants that turn out to be better performers in the garden later than look to be at plant-buying time in a pot.
Some plants look better in the pots at buying time than they turn out in the garden later. Others look better in the garden later than in the pots. It helps to know which is which. Here’s a look at my top 10s…
Here’s my list of shrubs that I wouldn’t plant again… in other words, my “Bottom 10 Shrubs.”
Here’s my list of perennials that I wouldn’t plant again… my Bottom 10 Perennials list.
I talk a lot about my favorite plants and other great choices worth trying. But what about the stuff at the bottom of my list? Here’s a look at the plants that earn a spot on my list of Bottom 10 Annual Flowers.
What we want in the landscape and what we get are two distinctly different things. I’ve learned six truisms that can help iron it all out somewhere in the middle.
You can’t just put any plant wherever you like. The better you can figure out the conditions you’ve got and match plants that suit that, the less trouble you’ll have with dead and struggling plants. That’s not always, though… even for the Governor’s Residence staff.
Never water a garden? Jenny Rose Carey built a “dry garden” that she hasn’t watered in years… yet it’s thriving and blooming. Here’s her secret…
I have no good answer for the question, “How big does this plant get?” It depends. Here’s a look at what to make of this sticky plant-picking issue.
I told you last week that there really are some super plants out there that meet just about all of the conditions we demand these days (four-season interest, no bugs, no disease, low care, tough in heat and cold, etc.) So which ones are they? I could rattle off dozens, but for your […]