Rhododendron ‘Ken Janeck’
* Common name: Rhododendron ‘Ken Janeck’
* Botanical name: Rhododendron yakushimanum x Rhododendron smirnowii ‘Ken Janeck’
* What it is: A compact, broad-leafed, early-May-blooming evergreen shrub that gets dark-pink flower buds that open to pale pink and then turn white. Leaves have fuzzy undersides. One of the toughest rhodies. Seldom bothered by bugs or even deer.
* Size: 3 feet tall with a 4- to 5-foot spread
* Where to use: Ideal for shade and part-shade spots, i.e. along eastern or northern foundations or in dappled light around trees.
* Care: Prefers acidic and light, well drained soil and an annual spring scattering of Holly-tone. Water in a drought. No spraying and little, if any, pruning needed.
* Great partner: Sweet woodruff, dwarf astilbe ‘Pumila’ and foamflowers all make nice underplantings. Or surround with white or pink impatiens for summer color.