Korean fir
* Botanical name: Abies koreana
* What it is: A slow-growing, pyramidal evergreen tree with soft green needles with silvery undersides. Gets interesting fat blue/purple cones.
* Size: 25 feet tall and 10 feet wide in 15-20 years.
* Where to use: Nice evergreen specimen for border or corner of yard. Also worthy centerpiece for a sunny island bed. Full sun to light shade. .
* Care: Work compost into planting bed to break up clay, which Korean fir doesn’t like. Keep damp in hot weather, especially first few years in the ground. Main down side is that it doesn’t like 100-degree summers. Scatter acidifying, granular, organic fertilizer such as Holly-tone or Holly-Care around base of plant each March. Pruning may never be needed if you give it adequate space. If size control is necessary, lightly trim off new growth in June.
* Great partner: Dianthus ‘Firewitch’ or dwarf catmint ‘Kit Kat’ or ‘Blue Ice.’