My 50 Favorite American Garden Settings of All-Time
February 18th, 2020
I’ve seen literally thousands of gardens, both public and private, in the 30 or so years I’ve been a garden writer.

My all-time favorite garden setting. Check out the last photo in My 50 Favorite American Garden Settings photo gallery to see where it is (or was).
Some of them really stand out in my mind, mostly because of a particular feature or setting that made the space impressively memorable.
I thought I’d share some of them with you, so I put together a new photo gallery of 50 of my favorite garden settings.
There were a lot more I could’ve added, but I had to cut it off somewhere.
In fact, I was going to do just one overall gallery but had so many “finalists” that I decided to break it down into two galleries – one of my favorite American garden settings and one of my favorite international (i.e. not-in-America) garden settings.
What helped me decide which to whittle out and which to keep was how I felt about being in the space.
If it came down to a choice between an elaborate, impressive, one-of-a-kind feature vs. a space where I just wanted to stand there and marvel, I went with the latter.
If you’re ready for a virtual tour through places that made me marvel, go to my Photo Gallery and check out, “My 50 Favorite American Garden Settings of All-Time.”
I’ll add the international one next week.